Over the past few months we have been looking at ways to reduce costs to Owners Corporations as well as lessen our footprint on the environment. We agreed the best way for us to do this is to utilise technology and implement email based procedures for issuing Levy Notices, Agendas, minutes and general communication.
By taking advantage of email technology, we can reduce printing, photocopying, administration and postage costs to Owners Corporations and Strata Committees while providing you with a more efficient service, as well as cut down of the amount of paper we use and waste we generate.
When you provide us with your email address you will also receive personalised log in details to a secure web based owner portal. Here you will have 24/7 access to be able to look at financial information, download documents, view plan information and update your contact details.
Our email system will take effect from 1st February 2017 so we ask that you provide us with your current email address by phoning 1300 853 284 or emailing us admin@regionalstratansw.com
If you prefer to receive hard copies in the mail, please let us know.